It’s a bit cold now, and I’ve not been to the allotment for a few weeks. I’m only here now because the food waste bins are full and starting to smell nasty.

The recent frost has killed all the weak plants that were fooled by November’s mild weather.
This rotavator continues to impress me, chewing through slightly frozen ground with no real trouble providing I went slowly.
I don’t care if it takes three or four goes to get this broken up, it’s much better than digging by hand!
In addition to hoarding rotten food, I’ve been storing cardboard to put down. It should keep the weeds away and also rot down to improve the soil.
Next time I need to bring the strimmer and remove the long grass and tougher weeds that the rotavator can’t manage.
This is all stuff I normally do last minute in March, so the fact I have the plot cleared by December is a novelty. Maybe I’ll get my plants in at the right time next year!