Category Archives: Maintenance

What a load of farmyard manure this gardening thing is.

It’s only taken half a year, but my greenhouse is now finally ready for things to be planted in it! It has all its windows, won’t blow away and after a trip to Wickes the ground is now suitable for … Continue reading

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General Plot Tidying

Now the shed is in a better place I’ve been going around the plot unearthing all sorts of rubbish, items I’d forgotten about and random pieces of broken glass. I’m now piling things up in different parts of the plot … Continue reading

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Moving the Shed

The shed’s moved finally. The stupid thing is now behind the greenhouse out the way from prying eyes, sticky fingers and the vicious strong winds that try to blow everything away. Making things wind proof is the aim of the … Continue reading

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Start of year tidying

We’re almost at the last frost of the year, which to me is the actual start of the year when it comes to growing things. Here’s a bit of an update since the last post… So we’re in March, people … Continue reading

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Whoops! we upset the council

When you own an allotment there’s rules. The rules are varied, depending on where your plot is, the council owning the site and seemingly the phase of the moon. If you have a plot of your own, some of you … Continue reading

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Reap what you sow?

Somehow I’m allowed to buy a scythe off the Internet. Also I don’t cut my legs off with it! Continue reading

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What Lurks in the Long Grass?

This time I tackle the long grass that’s growing amongst the fruit bushes using my new toy! Continue reading

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The Greenhouse…

I tackle The Greenhouse on my plot. A weed infested aluminium frame full of broken glass… I need to turn it into somewhere to grow my tomatoes. Continue reading

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Jungle Clearance

Due to the weather being quite rubbish I didn’t get over to the allotment much in the past month. And it seems things are now starting to grow! A lot! Continue reading

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Planting Fruit Bushes

Poundland sells cheap fruit bushes, and if you pick the ones with leaves on, they tend to grow fairly well and make a nice hedge type thing. If you pick the ones with no leaves on… they’re dead, you’re buying a dead plant… They’re also not a pound each, but never mind. Continue reading

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